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          1. About Mt. Huangshan


            Mount Huangshan, literally translated as Yellow Mountain, ranks among the Great Wall and the famous Terracotta Warriors as one of China’s most luring tourist attractions. As an international ecotourism point of interest, UNESCO listed the mountain as an official World Cultural Heritage Site in 1990. Known for its unique pines, geological formations, dream-like clouds and clear hot springs, Huangshan is known in China as The Number One Mountain Under Heaven; though, with close to eighty awe-inspiring peaks in excess of 1,000 meters tall, Huangshan is actually an entire range of mountains and valleys, sure to impress the dedicated outdoor tourist or those in search of China’s best mountain resorts. The jutting rocks, shimmering pools, gurgling water falls and the ephemeral clouds that make up the mountain’s dreamlike ambience are sure to invoke images of the most famous Chinese art. 

            The Winter View of Mt.Huangshan

            Of Huangshan’s many peaks, the three most widely known are The Lotus Peak, The Brilliant Top Mountain, and The Celestial Capital, all of which rise a stunning 1,800 meters above sea-level. The granite mountains are dotted with massive natural stone colums, webbed with deep crevices, and feature the jutting peaks so often illustrated by Chinese artists. Sprouting forth from many rocks are the gnarled pines that are frequently the subjects for Chinese painters, of both bygone eras and contemporary times. These attributes, rather than diminishing in beauty, change along with the seasons. Spring is marked by blooming flowers that decorate the slopes in a riot of pastels, accompanied by a symphony of scents and wildlife followed by the verdant slopes of Summer; Autumn and Winter are no less lovely, dressing the mountains in blazing reds and purples as the maple leaves turn. A classic Winter scene on the mountain features frost, ice and silver branches—peaceful and inspiring.

            Since China’s ancient history, travelers have been drawn to the mystique of the local mountains. The inexplicable pines, stone figures, oceans of clouds, and hot springs are popularly considered the four major attractions of Huangshan; however, the area is overflowing with natural marvels, especially in the following scenic areas: Wenquan (hot spring), Yupinglou (Jade Screen Tower), Xihai (West Sea), Beihai (North Sea), Yungusi (Cloud Valley Temple), and Songgu’an (Pine Valley Nunnery).

            International Students participate Huangshan International Climbing Festival

            Besides the dense forests that blanket the region, the unique terrain and altitudinal climate change cause noticeable distinctions in the mountain flora as elevation rises: plants on the summit must be able to thrive in frigid air and on frozen ground, temperate-zone vegetation can be found on the middle levels of the mountain, and at the foot of the mountain subtropical plants.Huangshan is a botanical garden unlike anywhere else in the world. The trees of Mount Huangshan occupy an especially important place in China's botanical research. Here you will find century-old pines, firs, ginkgoes, actinidia, Chinese torreyas and camphor woods-- remnants of the glacial era. Many of the trees are celebrated on account of their age, contorted shape, or precipitously perched position. Huangshan is also home to flowers unique to the mountain, such as orchids and the Huangshan magnolias. Many of the flowers and plants on the mountain can be found in shops in local towns—look for the medicine counter! More than 300 types of medicinal herbs grow on the mountains, the most well- known being ginseng and Chinese cinnamon. Huangshan Maofeng tea, grown only in the local area, is known for its calming qualities and is sought after throughout the country and is highly prized on the global tea market.

            International Students participate in picking tea leafs)

            The Huangshan Mountain Range also provides a natural habitat for a wide variety of creatures. Among the mountain-dwellers are monkeys, goats, deer, pangolin and squirrels, in addition to an active bird population! Huangshan often hosts birdwatchers and their binoculars, who come to see the rare red-billed leiothrix, called love birdsin Chinese. The leiothrix are so charming that they have become favorites of foreign tourists and are exported in pairs for global enjoyment. Besides land and air creatures, amphibians like the chukkar (stone frog) found in mountain streams are particularly adored by locals—delicious native specialties often include this famous frog.
            Mount Huangshan's climate is mild and humid, and the temperature is agreeable during all four seasons. In July, the summer’s hottest month, the temperature falls between 70 and 80 °F. The white, billowy cloud cover alleviates sunrays, ensuring that guests to the mountain are always comfortable. The area lies in a subtropical zone, so winter months range from 25 °F to 40 °F—cold enough to result in unmatched snow scenery, but mild enough to enjoy outdoor activity in a world draped with icicles. Today, Huangshan Mountain has developed a world-famous reputation as a must-see tourist site. With its convenient facilities: three cable lines, four three-star hotels on the peak, and all the paths paved with flat stones, it lures millions of visitors, foreign and domestic. Seeing is believing. 

            Welcome to Huangshan Mountain!



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